Common procedures

Some jobs need to be done frequently, and involve a detailed procedure that hasn't been automated for whatever reason. This page contains step-by-step instructions to do those jobs.

Run a planned maintenance

Create a new maintenance issueopen in new window and follow the steps described in the template.

Fix a built branch

When you have a merge failure in the built branch, see if you can fix it with a guard line. If so, use the following procedure:

  1. create a PR in the main branch that adds a guard line but does not include the conflicting PR
  2. merge the guard line into the built branch
  3. rebase the conflicting PR on top of the new main branch
  4. accept the (no longer conflicting) PR

If you can resolve a merge conflict with the procedure above, there's no need to schedule a planned maintenance. Otherwise:

  1. create a new PR that merges the existing PR into the built branch
  2. test both thoroughly in a personal repo
  3. once everything works, create a new planned maintenance issueopen in new window with steps like:
    1. merge the built PR into main first
    2. then merge the conflicting PR
    3. check the normal workflow merges back correctly
      • it will fail if you merged the built PR after the original PR

Update dependency versions

To keep the build system as standard as possible, all dependencies need to be cached in the build image. That means that when you update the dependencies of a package, you need to update the build system as well. This can cause hard-to-test problems, because commands occasionally succeed on the dev-server but fail in production due to some quirk of GitHub Actions configuration. To minimise that risk, use the following procedure:

  1. run commitopen in new window in the development environment:
    • example command: docker exec -it -w /app/internal-tools sleepdiary-dev-server ./bin/ commit
    • this script is still quite young - read through it and look for issues
    • this will run the upgrade script and commit the results to a new branch
    • this will create several pull requests that will be used in later steps
  2. run pushopen in new window in the host environment:
    • example command: ./bin/ push
  3. follow the instructions displayed by the program
  4. merge the pull request for internal-tools (guaranteed to run last in the script above)
  5. wait for the relevant actionopen in new window to build pre-release versions of the build system and dev-server
  6. check the new dev-server works as expected
  7. push a test-commit for every repository that uses the build system
  8. create an internal-tools PR to pull into latest from mainopen in new window with message "Recent changes"
  9. Run a planned maintenanceopen in new window to accept all the PRs generated above

Update docs from resources

Some files in the "docs" repo are generated automatically using files from the "resources" repo. This could be triggered automatically using a special GitHub Actions scriptopen in new window, but GitHub's relatively coarse permissions system means it would require careful design. Until then, we put up with triggering events manually:

  1. Go to the "Generate from resources" actionopen in new window
  2. click "Run workflow" (to the right "This workflow has a workflow_dispatch event trigger")
  3. click the green "Run workflow" button
  4. wait for the workflow to complete
  5. go to the list of pull requestsopen in new window
  6. review and accept the PR created by the workflow

Create a new repository

  1. make a personal repository that will be the basis for the new repository
  2. create a minimum viable product
    • push any commits
    • add repository metadata
    • configure GitHub Pages
  3. check everything looks right
    • remove any branches that shouldn't go in the main repository
    • make sure all the branch histories look nice (e.g. remove "fixup" and "WIP" commits)
  4. transfer the repository to sleepdiaryopen in new window
  5. fork a new personal repo from the moved repository
  6. edit your .gitconfig