Sleeping patterns

Someone who sleeps
from about 10pm to about 6am

This section of the wiki discusses common patterns of sleep, and how to manage them.

The dashboardopen in new window tries to detect some patterns automatically. The algorithm it uses is available in patterns.jsopen in new window.

Trouble getting to sleep on time

Someone with trouble
getting to sleep on time

This is a pattern where your natural bedtime is later than you would like, but stays the same over time. For more information about this pattern, see trouble getting to sleep on time.

Trouble sticking to a bedtime

Someone with trouble
sticking to a bedtime

This is a pattern where your natural bedtime continually gets later, no matter how late you stay up.

For more information about this pattern, see trouble sticking to a bedtime.

General information

It can be useful to simulate different sleeping patterns to compare to your own. For a simple introduction, see simulate different patterns.

People who sleep at unusual times often have to deal with sleeping in a sunlit room. For help dealing with this, see block out sunlight.