Sleep Diary Core Library

Documentation and code for manipulating sleep diaries

Project maintained by sleepdiary Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Plees Tracker Format

Plees Tracker is an Android app, available on F-Droid.

The following resources may be useful:

The export format is very simple. The documentation below explains it in some detail.

In this directory

You may find the following useful:

Export process

From the app’s main page, do:

  1. press the three vertical dots in the top-right
  2. press Export to File
  3. select a location and filename
  4. press SAVE in the bottom-right

Export format

This is an ASCII CSV file. Here is an example:



Unique ID of this record. Incrementing integer starting at 1.

start and stop

Indicate the time the user started and stopped tracking, in integer milliseconds since the Unix epoch.


Integer between 0 and 5 indicating the user’s rating.